Before you can stop eating your feelings, you must understand what drives you to this behavior and make the lifestyle changes necessary to keep the weight off. Since eating behaviors start so young, these patterns are often unconscious and difficult to identify. The STOP Eating My Feelings program has simplified this process immensely.
On-Line Trainings
Beginning in September, 2020, Tory Butterworth, PhD will be offering a variety of virtual trainings to help overeaters understand the STOP Eating My Feelings program and how it applies to them. These trainings will lead overeaters step-by-step through the process of assessing which flavors of overeating consume them and what they can do to change the underlying patterns which keep them eating their feelings.
Free Phone Assessment
Would you like to talk privately to Tory Butterworth, PhD, to get more specifics on how this program could work for you? Tory offers a live 20-minute phone assessment where she will help you identify your needs and answer any questions you may have. You can determine whether or not you are a good fit for the STOP Eating My Feelings program and what services apply to you.
Diagnostic Package and Healing Map
At the end of this package you will have created a healing map which includes the lifestyle patterns you need to change in order to let go of your compulsive overeating. After completing a four page eating inventory, you will meet with Tory virtually for 90 minutes in order identify which of the four flavors of compulsive eating you indulge in. After this session, you will receive a 20 page healing map which includes the steps you must take in order to change the underlying patterns which cause you to overeat.
Virtual Coaching
These one-hour, one-on-one virtual coaching sessions are the heart of this program, where you will practice the steps listed in your healing map until they become an automatic part of your life. Tory will guide you step-by-step through what you can do differently to change the patterns which keep you eating your feelings.
Virtual Coaching Groups
Tory leads 6 month virtual STOP Eating My Feelings coaching groups. Those of you who have been in groups know what a powerful experience this can be. Not only will you receive the group support to get you unstuck, but there is nothing like seeing how someone else’s problems are similar to or different from your own to open your eyes to your own patterns.