Signs of Improvement
Most diets look to one or two signs of improvement to show us we are inching towards our goal. These are weight and inches. Most dieters [...]
The Body Scan
The Body Scan is a technique that I use to help compulsive overeaters learn to sense their bodies from the inside. Our society trains us to [...]
What is The Goal?
My clients who are compulsive overeaters often wonder, “Where am I going with all this?” “How will I know when I’ve arrived?” In other words, “What [...]
Journal Before You Eat
Journal Before You Binge If you’ve been reading my blogs, you know I’m not a fan of diets. As I have said before, 95% of diets [...]
Hopeles I’ll say it straight out. Most compulsive overeaters feel hopeless about their overeating. They feel like it will never change. They feel like they can [...]
The movie, “The Big Short” (Paramount Pictures, 2015) opens with the epigraph: It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you [...]